Local Eats Show & Tell

Field to Family loves doing exactly what our name suggests: connecting local families with the fields, foods and farmers around them. Nothing makes us happier than seeing local farm products turned into delicious treats and the joy of people playing together in the kitchen. 

That’s why we asked Eastern Iowans to show us some local love by sending us photos, drawings or videos of how they’ve enjoy their locally grown goodies this summer! Whether it was a favorite recipe, a new idea for using a classic ingredient or your kiddos playing chef, we were so excited to see and share. 

Below, find winners for the most creative, most appetizing and most adorable submissions, which won up to $15 in Online Farmers Market credits, and the rest of the wonderful submissions we received as well!


Most Appetizing

First Place: Three Courses by Joan Alton

Second Place: Mushrooms, eggs and greens by Gosia Clore

Third Place: A Tie in Egg Adventures, Maria Ortega Kummer and Anonymous

Most Creative

First Place: An Abundance of Creativity from Deborah Betsworth

Second Place: Pasta Sauce Video Suite by Olivia 




Third Place: Flower Photography from Linda Wickelhaus



Most Adorable

First Place: Flower Focaccia by Annie Craycraft

Second Place: Zucchini Fry Snack Time by Meryn Fluker

Third Place: Rainbow Garden by Margaret Yocious











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