Field to Family Staff – Meet Emily!

New Staff Alert!

Field to Family is proud to introduce our new Operations Manager, Emily! We are excited to welcome a fresh member to our team who is as passionate about local food systems as we are!  As Operations Manager, Emily serves a vital role in connecting farmers and producers with our local community to make our Online Farmers Market a success week after week! In addition to coordinating volunteers, she also connects with local vendors, universities, schools and care centers to advance Field to Family’s wholesale efforts. In short, Emily makes sure Field to Family’s mission to create sustainable and healthy local food systems runs smoothly! We’ll let Emily introduce herself below:



I’m Emily Roberts, and I’m so excited to introduce myself as Field to Family’s new Operations Manager. I’ve had a great first few days learning the ins and outs of the organization and I’m so passionate about bringing local food to as many people as possible. Starting in college ten years ago, I knew I needed to be a part of a food system that sustains and supports farmers, consumers, and the planet. I found volunteer organizations and work-share opportunities throughout this time to fulfill this interest, but I always dreamed of diving in deep with my career and dedicating myself wholeheartedly to healthfulness through food. I have a background in corporate leadership that will carry over into this management role – you can always expect friendliness and professionalism from me! 

So here I am! Committed to producers and consumers and ready to take on what Field to Family needs to make our local food system flourish. I look forward to building relationships with my coworkers, volunteers, farmers, and customers. 

Peas and carrots,


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