Country View Dairy

At Country View Dairy in Hawkeye, Iowa,  About 275 cows are milked three times daily just 50 feet from the creamery. 

“Within hours, it’s turned into yogurt, and the next morning, it’s ready to ship out,” said the dairy’s director of sales and marketing Bob Howard.

Country View Dairy keeps it’s yogurt–traditional, Greek or frozen– as simple and pure as possible. They add only dry milk powder, yogurt cultures and natural flavors and colors. There is no gelatin or corn starch added to thicken the yogurt– the creamy, full texture is all natural. The cows themselves are bedded in sand, spend lots of time grazing outdoors and are not treated with growth hormones. 

“It’s a cleaner, simpler label,” Bob said.

The yogurt is an extremely popular product among local schools and students, providing a healthy source of protein that children are excited to eat.

Country View Dairy owners Dave and Carollee started producing yogurt to strengthen their dairy farm during the 2008/2009 recession. Greek yogurt was becoming popular at the time, but their products were a little different. Unlike the major national Greek yogurt brands, Country View does not strain the liquid whey from their products, which eliminates a waste stream that can become toxic on larger operations. Country View yogurt is also unhomogenized, meaning it has a layer of cream on top, which is unusual for commercial yogurt but Bob believes it improves the yogurt. 

Country View Dairy sells yogurt and sour cream to large customers like schools and colleges, as well as in a number of grocery stores. The brand’s frozen yogurt can be found in shops like Yotopia in Iowa City! 

This project has been funded at least in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the view of policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organization imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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