Announcing new plans to support food access and education this summer

Field to Family is partnering with area food pantries to expand access to locally grown produce this growing season, providing bulk orders of fresh fruits and veggies at no cost. 

This wholesale distribution model allows us to support the tremendous efforts to reduce food insecurity already happening in our community with greater efficiency. Pantries are able to do what they do best–get food out to people– and Field to Family is able to do what we do best–connecting our community with local food and farmers. 

In May and June, Field to Family was able to provide over $6000 in produce to 7 pantries and nonprofits. Starting in July, the CommUnity mobile food pantry will distribute produce sourced from Field to Family at stops throughout Johnson County. 

In addition to sourcing free produce for mobile pantry visitors, Field to Family will provide food samples and kid-friendly activities at five free community events this summer. These “Local Food and Education Stations” will occur adjacent to CommUnity’s mobile pantry. 

In past years, Field to Family has provided free seasonal produce, food samples and nutrition education at sites located in “food deserts” around Johnson County via our “Farm Stands” program. In 2020, we hosted 58 Farm Stands from July 1to November 30 at locations throughout Johnson County, serving 859 households. We distributed an estimated total of 6,600 pounds of freshly harvested, locally grown produce during this timeframe.

Funding from Johnson County Social Services supports this work. 

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