2017 Teaching the Next Generation

Teaching the Next Generation:
The Garden As Your Classroom
Workshop Materials and References

Next Generation Science Standards: Making the Most of Your Outdoor Space 
By Elizabeth Maas, Assistant Professor, Kirkwood Community College
Next Generation Science Standard Activity
Sample Garden Designs for Elementary Science Curriculum (FOSS)
Outdoor Classroom Basics 
Farm to Early Care Pre-K Curriculum and Activities
Outdoor Classroom & Garden Resources Includes Erosion Table Information

Curriculum Resource Listing:

School Garden Wizard
Website: http://schoolgardenwizard.org
This website has everything you need to start a garden.  How to plan for success, create the garden, learn in the garden and keep it going. Plus it was given great reviews by Iowa City teachers!

California School Garden Network
Website: http://www.csgn.org/curriculum
Great website that lets you search for online lessons, literature, and storybooks. Also check out their Gardens for Learning: Linking Gardens To School Curriculum document and tips for teaching outdoors.

The Edible Schoolyard Project
Website: http://edibleschoolyard.org/resources-tools
Search for resources and tools by season, grades, subject, places of learning and content type.

School Garden and Nutrition Curriculum (Denver Urban Gardens)
Website: http://dug.org/school-garden-curriculum
Activities and lessons for different seasons.

Integrating Horticulture into the Elementary Classroom
Website: http://www.hort.vt.edu/HORT6004/network/lessonplans.html
Office of Environmental Horticulture, Virginia Tech

Life Lab Science Program
Website: lifelab.org/for-educators
Offers a variety of curriculums such as 1st– 4th grade science units, garden scavenger hunts, plus blogs and videos with a variety of lessons and activities.

Center for Ecoliteracy
Website: http://www.ecoliteracy.org/teach/strategies
Focuses on a broad idea of a sustainable curriculum. Provides materials that can be used in the classroom and cafeteria.

Growing in the Garden
Website: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/4h/CLL
Curriculum for Pre K- 3rd Iowa State University Extension, Connecting Learning and Living

The Center for Environmental Education
Website: http://www.ceeonline.org/greenGuide/curriculum/curriculumLibrary.aspx
A database for different environmental curriculums that cover topics in science, math, art, social studies and language arts for K-12 students.

General Resources Getting a Garden Started, Lesson Plans, Grant information
Website: https://www.kidsgardening.org/lesson-plans/
Provides steps on how to start and maintain a youth garden, along with useful tools and resources.

Garden ABCs
Website: https://www.gardenabcs.com/
This website connects to different online curriculums, along with recommendations for books, a how-to-guide, grants, fundraising ideas, and much more.

Rethinking School Lunch Guide
Website: http://www.ecoliteracy.org/downloads/rethinking-school-lunch-guide
The guide is a downloadable pdf that explains the rationale for reforming school food and explores the ten pathways that constitute this planning framework

Farm Based Education Association
Website: http://www.farmbasededucation.org/
A network for farm-based educators

Grow To Learn
Website: http://growtolearn.org/
A New York City initiative for school gardens that provides an interactive and engaging website full of fun resources and ideas.

Toward a Sustainable Agriculture
Website: http://www.cias.wisc.edu/curriculum/index.htm
A curriculum for high schools that addresses the social, environmental and economic impacts of agriculture.